The Polar Extension Reel is designed to provide reliable power distribution and extended reach for your electrical needs. Featuring a 4-meter high-quality cable, this extension reel comes equipped with a master switch and LED indicator for easy operation. The unit includes a universal connector port, ensuring compatibility with various devices. It's built with heat-resistant material and includes a voltage fluctuation protector to safeguard against electrical issues.
उत्पाद कुंजी विशेषता
एलईडी सूचक | हाँ |
यूनिवर्सल कनेक्टर पोर्ट | हाँ |
मूल्यांकित शक्ति | 1500 वीए |
एकल पावर स्विच | हाँ |
गर्मी प्रतिरोधी शरीर | हाँ |
वोल्टेज उतार-चढ़ाव रक्षक | हाँ |
मेरी इच्छा सूची
इच्छा सूची रिक्त है.
तुलना करना
शॉपिंग कार्ट